Installation of fire protection system at a commercial or industrial facility consists of much more than a few sprinkler heads. A network of engineered systems must all function together to be effective. Unlike most engineered systems, however, installed fire protection systems cannot be tested under actual conditions. That makes it essential that the specification, design, installation and testing of fire protection systems closely follow accepted industry fire protection standards. The full-text article details several steps that will help ensure that a fire protection system is properly installed for years of effective, reliable and trouble-free service. Fire hydrant system is the standalone fire fighter in any establishment. A Hydrant system is basically water distribution network backed by a number of components & accessories like Fire Booster Pumps, Jockey Pumps, Diesel Engines, Fire Hose Reels, Hose Pipe, Fire Hose Cabinet, Hydrant Valve, Gate Valve, Alarm Check valve, Foot Valve, Ball Valve, Stand Pipes, Fire Couplings, Water Spray Nozzles, Pressure Restricting Angle Valve, Water Flow Indicator, Deluge Valve, Installation of complete Fire Hydrant System, fire pumps, piping system, water tank, hose reels, hose pipes, nozzles, valves, breaching inlets and pillar hydrants etc... Fire Booster Pumps, Jockey Pumps, Diesel Engines, Fire Hose Reels, Hose Pipe, Fire Hose Cabinet, Hydrant Valve, Gate Valve, Alarm Check valve, Foot Valve, Ball Valve, Stand Pipes, Fire Couplings, Water Spray Nozzles, Pressure Restricting Angle Valve, Water Flow Indicator, Deluge Valve, Installation of complete Fire Hydrant System etc..